Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Turning Our Attention

 We (Nichols and Coe families) just sent the other strand of our Ecuadorian cord of families back stateside last night as the Brock family headed back to Birmingham for one more year (?) before turning to come back south. We are praying for their year of transition to go well. So, what now? Can we reflect a moment?
This summer- what can we say? It has been incredible to see the Lord’s grace in our teams at work. Teams from Texas, Arkansas, and Alabama have come here, and we have seen God use them to teach and care for orphans and their care-givers, and we have seen God use them to help the work move forward for much needed repairs to the orphanage houses/infrastructure. We have seen them look and listen and pray as we verbally paint the picture of completing a gospel-centered camp here on the mountainside to lead Ecuadorian children to become world-impacting disciple-makers, and to train leaders to multiply the church. We have seen the Lord give grace with relationships, we have seen His word and prayer change attitudes, and we have seen His strength when we are exhausted.
We have preached the gospel and presented the directive for Christ’s mission at every opportunity, and we have urged and pressed groups toward word and prayer while they are with us, and challenged them to never look at life the same when they leave. We have asked them to pray for this 2% of their life to change the 98% back at home, wherever that may be.

And now we turn our attention. Vickie and I, along with Ann Coe, are gearing up for work. School starts soon, and we all are praying for God to work through us and give grace for our children and us as we venture daily into downtown Quito. We want to serve the nations with the gospel at Alliance Academy. Last year there were 29 countries represented there. Can you imagine the chance to walk and talk the gospel in front of families from 29 countries in one place?
It will be a challenge, but also an incredible opportunity for multiplying the gospel. Just to give you a snippet, we had a few students from the school help us this summer in translating for Rock the Block and soccer camps. I shared with them about adopting children into our family. They asked if it was expensive to do it? I said “yes, but we were following God’s direction and so He provided what we needed.” They immediately responded with, “God talks with you?” What an opening for future conversations about the gospel with them.

Hope you enjoy the photos…they tell some of our recent days in sharing, showing, teaching, and serving. Pray for our housing transition here from orphanage area to camp area!
Chris and Vickie and family

Hebrews 13:20-21 Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, 21 equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. 

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