Looking back on the last few weeks drives me to express something to each person who might read this blog. By God's generosity through many people, some who read this blog faithfully, our family had the incredible chance to fly home December 18 for time with our children, our extended family, and especially with our spiritual community of friends at the Christmas and New Year's holidays. Even though we have been back on track working (either in the US or in Ecuador) for several days now, we cannot go further without reflecting on the sweetness of that time together. So many of you, and you know who you are, anonymously or semi-anonomously decorated the townhouse, planned dinners and fixed food (incredible food-southern food), slipped us secret cash in a stocking for some spending money for the holiday time, and picked us up and dropped us off at airports without batting an eye. You encouraged us with dinner conversation together, filled us with coffee and stories, and you asked genuine questions about how things are going. This is a tiny description of what has come to us through your love and faith.
And for this we offer great praise and thanksgiving to Christ who gives hearts full of His grace that act with real love toward us and thus toward the world also. Vickie and I have had many opportunities through the years to speak with many of you about what the church really looks like, and it is clear to us that you have not only listened but responded in ways we could not even see coming. So- all that to say- we all are grateful.
1 Thessalonians 2:19
"For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at His coming? Is it not you?"
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