Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Gospel and Thanksgiving at AAI in Quito

 This Sunday afternoon, if you could be an electron on the Google Earth screen of your computer, and fly up from “Where-ever-you-are”, and drop down to our flat spot next to Juan Jose Villalengua Street and into our school conference room, you would find a small gathering of part of our school faculty. We’ll be gathered there for a brief time of prayer, sharing, thanksgiving, and encouragement in the word.
We won’t be focused on turkey and dressing, because we won’t be cooking any that day (although we will be later in the week Lord willing!)
 We will be there hearing from one another, praying for one another, and offering thanks to God for His work on our behalf in so many ways!

So if you are reading this now, I would ask, for the sake of the truth of the Gospel message, and for the sake of His glory to Ecuador and to every nation, that you might spend 5 minutes praying.

Pray for our time on Sunday both in house church, and in the faculty gathering.

Pray for R. and S. and B. and C., who are men that God has given to me to mentor in word, and prayer, and simply in “life on life” experience. Pray for a 5th one that seeks to be led but whose work schedule seems to prevent it.
Pray that our English conversations/relationship multiplies into their Spanish conversations and relationships that make disciples!

Pray for M and B and their kids, a cross cultural family that is part of our house church, that God would use His word to have eternal impact through their lives. Pray for wisdom for us as we walk together in the gospel.

Pray for lost students from 23 countries at AAI to be open to the Gospel. There are Buddhist kids, atheist kids of missionaries, unbelieving kids whose parents are Roman Catholic in family tradition but who have no relationship with Christ, kids whose parents are living in other countries for economic reasons, and a myriad of other situations.

Pray for our AAI staff to be encouraged, and to be strengthened by His Spirit to obey His word, and to be the gospel in all ways.

Pray for Vickie and for me, for our marriage to display the glory of Christ, and especially for wisdom in Christ to lead our family, and to know how to love them well in the midst of mission, in the midst of multiple cultures, and with the unique challenge of 5 adopted plus 4 biological children scattered on 3 continents.

1 Thessalonians 5:14-18
And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


  1. prayers lifted up for each relationship and truth-speaking opportunity

  2. Praying for you daily that God will give both you and Vickie special relationships to pour your life into these that God has placed in your path. We love you guys and miss you. Are so thankful for you and how God is using your family to further the Gospel in Quito. Got reports from the girls that you all had a great time together last week.
